How Staff Augmentation Creates a Powerful Advantage to Businesses


In the current scenario, the modern business environment is speeding up and seeking new effective solutions to enhance their businesses, attracting the best talent pool that would end up producing high-quality services.

Presently, staff augmentation is at the peak of popularity and is excessively implemented by many organizations across the globe.

It is used to tackle the current staffing challenges such as — finding specialists advanced in rare technologies and finding the right talent within the shortest terms.

Staff augmentation consulting allows organizations to mitigate risks of turnover, handle quality control, and leverage costs by means of combining operational and marketing plans in the workflow.

What is staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation is rapidly becoming a buzzword in the IT job market. It is basically a form of outsourcing strategy in which the in-house team within the organization is supplemented by hiring competent resources on a short term basis to meet explicit business imperatives.

The model helps vendors to add skilled technical resources to your in-house development team on either a long or short basis. These resources are employed by the vendor directly, thus the liability and cost of making new full-time hires are eliminated.

Benefits of Staff Augmentation

The rapid change in the workforce culture and a rise in the gig economy poses significant challenges to the industry.

Let’s Look at The Benefits of Staff Augmentation.

#1 Increased Knowledge and Expertise: Oftentimes, organizations find themselves with knowledge gaps during projects. Augmenting staff can efficiently fill those gaps by providing certified and trained professionals to bring their skills and knowledge to that specific project to deliver the business’ desired results in a stipulated time. Additionally, it has increased knowledge of industry trends and business practices.

#2 Better Control: When you choose staff augmentation over complete project outsourcing, you are opting to maintain complete control over the team. Having staff augmentation in place, organizations have direct insight into how the temporary staff is cooperating and working alongside full-time employees. Additionally, they have the capability to trigger the progress of a project timely. This eliminates the risk factors associated with fully outsourcing a project.

#3 Staffing Flexibility: The flexibility that an organization receives through staff augmentation offers multiple advantages to the business. For instance, augmenting staff helps the HR team who may not have the knowledge of skills and credentials needed for the type of IT professional you are looking for. This process also cuts employee liabilities, costs, and production downtime. The augmenting staff offers an overworked team but also provides the freedom to cut ties with an employee who may not be working out.

#4 Cost-Effective: The motive of staff augmentation is to supplement the staff with outside talent. It helps in reducing the costs of general hiring of full-time employees, especially when you’re bringing in short-term talent, you avoid negotiating benefits, salaries, and other expenses. If the project is successful, you can reflect on bringing the temporary staff on as full-time team members. This business model offers you an advantage to keep projects flexible by eliminating contracts with third-party vendors.

Final Thoughts

So, kick-starting a new project or revamping an ongoing, both of these tactics need a well thought out process to serve as a base for successful execution. If you are looking for augmenting your staff with Polestar Solutions for a project, your quest has brought you to the right place.



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